Environmental policy
Hilltop Solicitors Ltd recognises that all businesses impact on the environment in different ways. Therefore, we are committed to continuously improve our environmental performance regarding our services and operations. We understand that our activities can have an impact upon the environment at different levels and that it is our responsibility to take action to reduce this impact.
Being a legal service provider, we have identified the following key points:
• Reduction of waste disposal
• Recycling
• Sensible use of energy, water, and other resources
• Production and disposal of correspondence and paper files
• Use of paper, printer cartridges
• Travel to and from the office and to clients, court etc.
As a firm, we have already undertaken some steps in this direction, such as switching off unnecessary lights, computers and printers, introducing recycling and reduction in the use of paper to reduce our impact and carbon footprint on the environment.
By 2030, we are aiming to go completely paperless. To reduce the paper waste and carbon footprint, we communicate electronically i.e., emails, text messages, with our staff, customers, suppliers, contractors, regulatory bodies and any other third parties.
However, we do realise that it is not always possible and there are certain exceptions to this policy. In such situations, where it is absolutory necessary, we shall arrange to correspond in hard paper copies.
We are equipped with video conferencing facilities which enable all our employees to use either video or telephone conferencing and all clients are encouraged to do the same where possible, thus reducing travel.
By making the business greener, more efficient and achieving cost effectiveness, the intention is to utilise the saved funds back into the business and in the staff.
We seek to continually improve our environmental performance, whilst ensuring compliance with legislation and other regulatory requirements we work under.
We will evaluate environmental considerations when sourcing and selecting products and services to ensure that our suppliers are committed to environmental standards.
We will regularly measure our performance. We will set objectives to enable us to assess our progress in reducing waste, energy consumption, papers etc.
As part of Hilltop, it is the responsibility of all employees to adhere to these principles and will endeavour to achieve the objectives of this policy.
We expect that all visitors and contractors to fully support this policy through active participation and co-operation.
This environmental policy will be displayed and is openly available to all members of the public via our website.
The introduction and implementation of this policy is a commitment of Hilltop Solicitors Ltd and a shared responsibility with our employees.
Hilltop Solicitor will review this policy annually as part of our overall environment management plan.
Any questions, please contact us via email: admin@hilltopsolicitors.co.uk